Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kids and heartburn

Delaney has been complaining of a burning in her chest since Thursday evening. It sounded similar to heartburn but without all of the symptoms I know I experience with it. So I wasn't exactly sure how to treat it or really what it was. After she complained again today (this makes the 3rd day she's mentioned it) I decided to call an advice nurse. We ended up going into the doctor who prescribed Zantac twice a day for 2 weeks along with no caffeine, no spicy foods, no chocolate, etc. He said that it is fairly common in kids and didn't seem too concerned. She goes back to she her doctor in 2 weeks and we will she how she's doing. I'm just trying to figure our what would cause a 6 year old to get heartburn. She's not stressed about anything and her diet hasn't changed at all. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this with their kids or if anyone one (Aunt Peggy or Aunt Shirley, for instance :) might know anything about it. I guess for now I will search the web and see what I find.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Melissa, When

Debbie was about that age, she had trouble with her tummy hurting everyday.Thr doc put her in the hospital and ran test and found nothing.He told her she was too little to be having stomach problems and that she needed to tell Jesus she was a little girl and that she was giving all her problems to Him and H e would just have to handle it. Sometimes children worry about things that adults would not even think about, but it is a very real problem. But, you are a very good Mom and I am sure that with the Lord's help you will figjure it out.
God bless you. Love,Aunt Shirley