Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Revival in Oakland

We just got an e-mail from a precious friend of ours in Oakland, a saint at Oakland Tabernacle, that one of the young boys who comes on the 'bus' ministry was baptized! He is a year older than Delaney, I think. He and younger sister (by about 1 year) have been coming faithfully since the outreach ministry started when we were there, 3 summers ago. His sister is getting baptized this coming Sunday. It is so awesome to see God reach into the hearts of these hungry children and change their lives so drastically. We are still praying for their mom, Star. She has been a faithful supporter from the beginning. In fact, she was one of the reasons we were able to start our outreach in her community. She would come every Sunday with the kids and wouldn't take any of their shenanigans. I can still hear here telling them to "leave that in the 'hood" when the kids would start to fight or behave in an inappropriate way. She many times would stay for church after Sunday School was over and was touched time and time again. She has had a tough life and many wounds and scars that need healed, but our God is big enough, strong enough, loving enough, caring enough to get the job done. Keep Star and her kids in your prayers. God has big things in store for this lady and her family, and I have a feeling it won't be long before we begin to see the enormous impact one firecracker of lady can have on her community when she lets God have His way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can someone hand me a tissue!! I AM SO Excited for CHARLES!

Melissa, all of that hard work you and Kevin did was not in vain! God is so Faithful.

Love you,
