Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another trip to the ER

Okay, for all those wondering what this picture is about: This is what Dallas and I did Saturday night, May 17. I was giving him a quick shower before bedtime when he slipped and fell, busting his chin open. (I was holding his arm, but the fall happened so quickly I couldn't catch him.) We then spent a couple of hours in ER waiting to get it stitched up. So much for getting to bed at a decent time on Sat night! He was a real trooper. He cried when he first fell, but then didn't cry when they looked at it and cleaned (irrigated) it. He did however scream and required 3 people to hold him still when the 'numbing' shots were given. Apparently that medicine really burns. After a few minutes he was fine and laid perfectly quiet and still while they gave him 5 stitches. His eyes, into which I stared for this entire procedure, still told of the trauma, however, all red-rimmed and full of betrayal. And I was still shaking from the screaming episode even when it was all over with. All's well that ends well, though, and his stitches were removed last Friday, with none of the drama and fanfare. The NP even gave him the stitches to bring home in a little plastic container.


East Coast-er Momma said...

"Owwwey!" This is what Cy said when he saw this pic and started to show me his chin and where the "owwey" was...heheh! I suppose he's getting ready to have some owwey's of his own soon!!

Melissa said...

Misha, I know. For days Denae had an owey on her chin, too. The rest of us couldn't see it, but she was sure it was there. Kids just love to copy each other!