Friday, April 25, 2008


I haven't posted a lot recently about the happenings around our house and life, so I thought I would lump everything together in this post.

A couple of weekends ago the girls went with Kevin down to Ontario, CA for a Bible Quizzing tournament. Kevin was able to coach the girls team and they ended up taking 2nd with Delaney being the 2nd highest scorer on the all tournament team. All of the Sac teams did extremely well, but as I wasn't there I do not have any pics to post. If you click on the link for Apostolic Bible Quizzing you should be able to find results and pics of this tournment soon.

Denae is really enjoying her Kindermusik class taught by her Aunt Kathy. Dallas likes it to, but technically it's not for his age group although he does participate.

Denae also has enough hair to put in a ponytail now. This picture doesn't show it very well since the bow is about as big as her head, but it's a cute bow so I posted it, lol!

The other day, when taking Denae out of the truck, I noticed a yellow jacket on a little nest on the truck door where in where it closes. I had to take some pics because Delaney wouldn't get close enough to see it, although the other kids did. Kevin took care of it for us and we were soon on our merry way, but the kids thought it was kind of cool and wanted me to share it on the blog.
Thank goodness for zoom!

The rest of the pics are just random pictures I have taken of the kids. Hope you enjoy!

Denae and Dallas during alter service. Not praying yet, but oh so close!!

Denae cheesing for the camera last night. She wanted me to keep taking her picture while she hammed it up for the camera. She must be taking after Dallas, as you can see in the picture below. lol
Darilyn showing her beautiful smile. She is such a cutie.

Delaney's big news is she lost another tooth! This one on top. Nolan and Krista were over last night and he ended up pulling it for her. She must have really healthy gums, because it was a tough one to pull, even though it was almost falling out. Thank goodness Nolan kept her laughing.

By the way, as a side note, Nolan ships out to Iraq in just a few days, so keep him in your prayers!!

I also have some video clips I have taken of Denae driving the battery powered Gator and of kindermusik, but everytime I try to upload them to the blog, it never finishes loading. I will try to figure this out since I know Grandma and Poppa would love to see some clips of the kids.

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