Monday, April 7, 2008

Family "Church"

Every Monday night we have family time of prayer and Bible reading with a lesson. About a month ago Kevin and I decided to start making this time even more "kid friendly" by having some type of object lesson or experiment or activity to reinforce the Bible truth for the night, kind of like a mini kids church. We thought it would give us a great opportunity to try out ideas we have read or seen on our kids so when the door opens for the childrens' evangilism we have praying about, we will have had all kinds of hands on experience. So far we have found out that balloons with water won't pop when over a flame (like being filled with the Holy Ghost helps us endure the fire of temptation), that even a small force will make a big difference on a pendelum, no matter how heavy the weight (like our prayers can move mountains), and that a small strand can bind us up if we get wrapped up in it enough times (like bad habits or sins) and that small strands can also be used to make strong ropes that help us (like good habits and prayer). Soon we are going to add some puppets to our family church night. But anyways, the kids LOVE it so far!! They talk about it all week and remind us all day on Monday that "Tonights our family church!" Tonight we played a hide and seek game with the kids and taught about the lost coin, lamb, and the prodigal son. Then we spent time in prayer. We have been following the Lord's prayer since our time of focus on that as a church in January. It has really helped the girls in learning how to pray. Well, tonight God just reached down and touched us as a family and we had an awesome prayer meeting with the kids! We even had some Holy Rolling going on. Oh wait that was Dallas rolling around on the floor. Well, we can always hope lol! Dallas did really get into his praying before his holy rolling started. He was sitting on our fireplace hearth rocking back and forth and hitting the ground with his fist. I wish I would have got a video clip of it, but I was praying with Darilyn at the time. We ended with Dallas in Kevin's lap and my arms around the Delaney and Darilyn praying for family unity, etc. Denae was there too, and soon she pushed between the girls to bury her head against me, and the girls put there arms around her. It was so sweet and precious. What a great way to end a prayer meeting.


MissionsAngel said...

That is so awesome! You're family is such an example! I love you all!

East Coast-er Momma said...

I find it absolutely amazing how sensitive children can be to God. Cylas loves to pray! Each night we pray and he watches me intently and punctuates the end of our prayer with an "aahhmeen"! In church, he will lay his hands on our heads and squints his eyes in earnest while babbling in his own words a prayer to the Lord. It's so great that you both are cultivating such a great spiritual foundation for your babies...

TRC Rockers said...

I love it!!! Thanks for the ideas.