Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Okay, I wanted to post an update on some of the new things Denae is doing. She still "talks" all the time, although not all her words are understandable. I think if I made a list of all the words I can understand, though, I would be surprised. She also has great use of her voice inflections. She can really carry on a conversation. You can tell when she is saying something she thinks is funny (Her eyes get all smiley and her voice kind of sounds like she is laughing) or when she is tattling (she sounds just like the bigger kids, whiney with her feelings hurt, only in 'another language' lol) And when she is mad, she definitely lets us know!! lol She also likes to sing. Her favorite right now is the ABC song. However, it is mainly just the tune, as I have not heard a recongnizable letter to date! Her other favorites, which I can pick out words in, are "Jesus loves me", "Who does Jesus love", and "The Bible," all from Sunday School. When she is singing, if I start to sing with her, her face just lights up like she is so happy I knew what she was saying. She also likes to do "Down, Down Baby" a hand clap game that my mom taught me and I taught my girls. Do you remember it, Mom or Trinia? Another funny thing about Denae is that she loves strawberry milk. All of my kids have always drank white milk, going to fat free as soon as they can. When they got older, I started giving chocolate milk as a treat, but only sometimes. I didn't want them to have to always have to have it flavored. Well, Denae is just like the rest; she will drink white milk. But recently, if she is by me when I pour her milk, she will get the strawberry syrup out of the fridge herself and give it to me. "Thes, Momma. Thes," she'll say. And then, when I put it in her sippy, she starts laughing and clapping her hands, dancing in a little circle. It is very cute! The other thing is, with in the last month or so, she has gotten attached to her blanket. She now tries to call it her blankie, but it sounds like she is saying mickey. The nice thing about it, though, is while one blanket is her main "mickey", pretty much any blanket will do. She's not picky, I guess. She really likes to copy her brother and sisters and will do pretty much whatever they do, from summersaults to dancing to "quoting" bible verses. She is also a big helper. If she knows we are getting ready to go "bye-bye", she'll start bringing everyone their coats and shoes, whether it's the ones we need or not, or whether we need them or not! Well, that's all I can think of right now. They just grow and change so quickly at this age. Everyday brings a new accomplishment for them and a new challenge for the moms! I wouldn't trade it for anything, except maybe a weekend spa treatment lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Down, down, Baby, down by the Roller Coaster. Sweet, sweet, Baby, no place to go...." I would write the rest of it but I won't even try to spell it. Sounds like Denae is getting like her Poppa liking strawberry. Thanks for the updates on what she is doing. Give all the kids a hug and kiss from Grandma and Poppa.