Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beautiful days and Old friends

Well, apparently I was in a nostalgic mood tonight without even realizing it. I was sitting in the living room listening to my two youngest play as loud as they could on two Kindermusik harmonicas and I started to hum a tune and then sing. "It's a beautiful day, a beautiful day. Sunshines come into my heart to stay. It really doesn't matter what the weather men say. It's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day."

That song took me back many years to when I first heard one of my best friends sing the song she wrote for a school contest. So I began to try to remember all the words and didn't take me long to remember this:

"Somewhere it may be raining; somewhere the cold winds blow;
somewhere it may be snowing, but this one thing I know:
It's a beautiful day, a beautiful day. Sunshines come into my heart to stay.
It really doesn't matter what the weather men say. It's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day.
Somewhere over the rainbow, I've been told,
there lies a place called heaven. Streets are purest gold.
Some day I'm going to go there but till then,
I'm going to walk in God's sunlight . . . and live every day for him.
It's a beautiful day, a beautiful day. Sunshines come into my heart to stay.
It really doesn't matter what the weather men say. It's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day."

I love that song. It may have been written by a child, but the words are oh, so true. What a beautiful day every day is when we are serving God. Growing up, our church motto or theme was "Serving God is Beautiful." Of course there is wonderful song that goes with that theme,
"Serving God is beautiful. Serving the King of kings.
I serve Him because I love Him you see.
Serving God is beautiful to me."
(written, I believe, by Sis. Ronda Hurst, my pastor's wife at that time in my life.)
Life will present us with challenges and problems, trials, etc, etc. But you know what, it's still a beautiful day, a beautiful life, because the King of kings is in control and He is making me into what I need to become to fullfill His purpose. My life is about more than the day to day obligations or even the plans I make for the future. It is about the eternal purpose of God. That is important to remember when trials want to drag me down or I want to worry about problems. I just need to cast my cares upon Him. After all He cares for me and loves more than I could ever fathom. He has a plan for me and a future, plans to prosper me and keep me, and not to harm me. So it is a beautiful day, no matter what the weather man or any other man or devil, might say, because I am walking in God's sunshine and living every day for Him!!

Okay so after I spent some time singing the kid's song, I started trying to remember another song my friend wrote as a young teen.
"I wish you well. I wish you well.
You're my very special friend, and I wish you well.
Wherever you may go, I want you to know,
We'll be friends forever and I wish you well.
If I could paint a picture, here is what I'd do,
I would paint a rainbow and a bright sun, too.
And when the paintings over, a story it will tell
Of happy ever after and I wish you well.
I wish you well. I wish you well.
You're my very special friend, and I wish you well.
Wherever you may go, I want you to know,
We'll be friends forever and I wish you well."
I may not have remembered every word correctly, but I wanted to say a special message to my "very special friend." If you are reading this, I want you to know that I haven't forgotten. No matter where we are in life right now, the water that has passed under the bridge, I still remember and I still count you as a special friend. I don't think you came to mind so strongly tonight for no reason. I believe God laid you on my heart in a special way tonight. Maybe one day we will have the chance to get together, to catch up, to watch our children play together, but if not, you are still in my heart and prayers. Love you, girl!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! It brought back good memories for me, too. Love ya!! Miss ya!

iluv2prshim said...

Wow Melissa. Memories, memories and more memories. I remember those songs now. And it brought back memories of you and Kimberly running around the halls of Landmark. Ya'll were sooo cute. Remember sniffing the air by the water fountain and saying, "Bro. Hurst has been here. We smell his cologne." LOL I laughed so hard that night. Ya'll always had something going. Good of course. :) And, yes I did indeed write. "Serving God Is Beautiful", a hundred years ago. :) Serving Him is more beautiful now. The saying is true, "The Longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows". Love you and thanks for the memories.

Melissa said...

Katrinia, love and miss you too!! Excited for what's happening in Sulpher Springs!

Sis. Hurst, I had forgotten about that, but I could almost smell his cologne again just remembering. Funny the things that you notice as a kid. Thanks for the laugh. I guess my kids come by their funny little sayings naturally. lol

Anonymous said...

Melissa, you do not know how much I enjoy your blog and how much it blesses me. You are a special woman and I am so proud to call you My Niece.
Aunt Shirley

Melissa said...

Aunt Shirley,
Thank you! I am glad you enjoy reading it; my family is why I started it in the first place. Love you!