Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby Tales

Everyday for a month Jessie had faithfully, diligently cared for her new baby. Since the day Baby Sally was placed in her arms, she had not spent one moment away from her new 'pride and joy.' Oh what fun she had been having, holding the precious bundle, rocking her to sleep, feeding her when she cried, changing her clothes, sometimes several times a day. She took Baby Sally with her everywhere, too. To the store, to the park, to see friends, and of course to Church. She loved that baby so much. She couldn't remember ever loving another baby as much as this one. And there had been many. Baby Darla, Baby Josie, Baby Suzy, just to name a few. But none were as precious as Baby Sally. Jessie loved to see Baby Sally's smile and her blue eyes. She knew that no one would ever take Baby Sally's place and she would never, ever need another baby to love and care for. But, as always seemed to happen with Jessie, after awhile of caring for and loving the baby, she woke up one day and forgot to get Baby Sally out of bed. She ate her breakfast, not hearing the baby cry. She got ready to go out, not remembering to change the baby. She left for the park, leaving the baby forgotten in her room. All day she went about her business with no thought for the baby that had once filled her every waking moment, indeed her every thought. Two days went by, then three. Oh, what was to become of little Baby Sally, so completely forgotten and left all alone? No one to care for her, no one to see that she was held and rocked and loved. Then one Saturday, as Jessie was cleaning up her room, she came across Baby Sally, where she had fallen to the floor and been shoved carelessly under the bed. "Oh, Baby Sally! I had forgotten all about you!" She picked her up from the pile of toys and brushed at her hair and clothes. "I'll sit you up on my shelf with all my other baby dolls. You'll look so pretty sitting next to Baby Suzy." Then she gently placed the doll on the shelf above her bed with the others in Jessie's doll collection.


TRC Rockers said...

Ohhh, how sad. Where is this story from?

Melissa said...

It's from my head. I was helping the kids clean up the toys the other day and realized how many dolls they had, some of which were mine. Made me think about when I or the girls first got a new doll, how it was the favorite and then before you know it, the clothes are missing and its buried under all the other dolls. Just gave me an idea for a story I guess!